Experience that matters
25 years of successful experience in setting up and leading (management) teams and in implementing development and change initiatives for strategies, processes and systems
Proven in all company phases and sizes: from start-up (DynamicMarkets) to corporation (Allianz)
Experienced in various roles and perspectives: Management consultant (PriceWaterhouse Coopers & own consulting), Investment Director (Bertelsmann), COO/CFO (DynamicMarkets), Head of Sales Operations and Development (Kabel Deutschland), Member of the Executive Board (Fonds Finanz Maklerservices), CEO (Smart InsurTech)
Many years of industry expertise in financial services, telecommunications, online/internet
Excellent methodological skills in the areas of strategy development, due diligence, sales operations, finance operations, organizational development (especially change management) and systemic leadership
Well-versed in managing complexity: Multiple cultures, interdisciplinary and distributed teams
Very well educated: Master of Science (MSc.) in Coaching & Management (University of Portsmouth) and Diploma in Business Informatics (Flensburg University of Applied Sciences)
Experienced in the very quick familiarisation with new business models, industries and companies through strong analytical skills (member of MinD e.V.) and pronounced social skills and empathy